When you look and feel like a million bucks,
You can sell a million bucks.

Get your free copy of 3 Secrets to Look and Feel Great to discover ...
  •  How you may be hiding in plain sight and how to embody your element

  • ​The #1 secret that will make people trust you instantly

  • ​How to save time and money while wearing clothes you love

About Amy Janece

Amy Janece is an Image Consultant specializing in helping coaches, speakers, authors, experts, and other professionals to look and feel like a million bucks so they can make a million bucks.

As a best-selling author and speaker, she realized how important it is for people to see you, trust you, and connect with you in order to make the impact you set out to make. That only happens when you have that same trust and connection with yourself.

Like most other women, Amy Janece struggled with her self-image due to media, comments by peers, her size, shape, weight, and more.

When Amy Janece discovered her element and embodied it, she began dressing in the colors that made her shine, instead of the colors that hid her. Compliments changed. Something shifted inside and she doubled her income.

Finding her element made such a profound affect on her life that she became certified to help others see their own beauty and step into it, from the inside out.
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